Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Copic Class.
Saturday the 20 October 2018.

If you are interested in this class or would just like a kit please email me byrob180@gmail.com
Once I have received your email I will then send you the requirement list.
Class starts at 10am so arrive around 9.30 to set up and have a cuppa.
Please bring your own lunch. Tea and coffee are supplied.

 Front of Card
Inside of card

Card Class 6th October 2018.

If interested in doing this class please email me byrob180@gmail.com spaces are limited in this class.
Once I have received your email I will then send you the requirement list. Cost for this class is $30.00.
You will make a spinner card with a matching double spinner gift box.
Class will start at 10am so arrive anytime after 9.30am.
Please bring own lunch. Tea and coffee supplied.

                                         Double spinner gift box        Spinner Card

 Inside of card.

Side view of gift box.