Monday, 18 February 2019

Card Class Saturday 9th March.

Clean, Simple, Fast Ladies cards.

Set of six cards with inserts and envelopes.
If interested in this class please email me at once I have received your email I will then send you the requirement list. ONLY TWO SPOTS LEFT.
Class starts at 10am so arrive around 9.30am to have a cuppa and to set up. Class finishes when you have finished your cards.
Please bring your lunch. Tea and coffee supplied.

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Copic Saturday the 16th February 2019

If interested in this class please email at
Once I have received your email I will then send you the requirement list.
Arrive around 9.30am to set up as class starts at 10am. Class finishes when you have finished your card. I will show you how to make your own background card to match your image.
Please bring lunch. Tea and coffee are supplied.

Front of card.

Inside of card.